Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): COVID-19 and Nigeria Scientists

					View Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): COVID-19 and Nigeria Scientists

Editorial Comments
That there is a global pandemic of COVID-19 is no longer news. We have gone through lockdowns with serious socio-economic implications. It has been estimated that the global economy would take decades to recover from this pandemic. The incidence in Nigeria continue to rise with national and local efforts to flatten the curve being complicated with politics and deteriorating health infrastructure. As Western governments and NGOs grapple with their own outbreaks, African nations are saddled with the responsibility of contending with the virus. The ongoing global COVID-19 outbreak has revealed how strikingly unprepared the world is for a pandemic. Continue reading

Prof. Edward Agbo Omudu

Published: 2020-07-23

Original Article